Portraits - Chalk and Pencil
Kat von D (left)
Travis Barker (right)

Animal Subjects - Watercolours
Eye of Smaug (above)
Zak (below-left)
Rooster (bottom-right)
Goose (top-right)

Sea Tails - Watercolours and Pen

Bring Me My Horizon - Pen Sketches
Motivational nautical illustrations for any sailor, buccaneer or adventurer true at heart.
Examples of conceptual visualisation of household product application.

Architecture- Watercolours and Pen

Kings Cross & Beyond - Visual Investigation
Kings Cross & Beyond is the body of work created to demonstrate the immense travels taken by my grandfather, George Tibbitts while serving as an officer in the Royal Navy.
By means of graphic design and in-depth investigation within the ships log books, store at the National Archives I was able to pin-point most of the locations he travelled on each ship served. From the far East to the far West, the warm, sandy beaches of the West Indies to the war-torn waters of the Arctic Sea, there is little left of the globe he failed to reach.
To represent his strong London heritage link, inspiration was acquired from the schematic design of the London Underground map.
Each tour of duty, relating to individual ships is affiliated with a separate ‘line’ corresponding to the journeys undertaken, each represented as a station.

Illustrations from Kings Cross & Beyond project